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"Rakoczy European Cultural Route".


The main objective is to develop a European brand - tourist product Rakoczy Cultural Route - in the cross-border regions of Central Europe as a pilot project for all other regions on the Rakoczy Cultural Route.


Specific objectives:

  1. Looking for traces: accurate registration and evaluation of potential (cultural and touristic potential along the Rakoczy Cultural Route in the project areas).
  2. Development of tourist routes along previously defined 'tourist anchorages'.
  3. Effective use of the potential of tourist values related to the Rakoczy Cultural Route with respect to the principles of sustainable development.
  4. Creation of an international brand European Rakoczy Cultural Route with benefits such as: diversified tourist offer, opportunity to learn about cultures, nationalities, history, high quality of services, identity of sponsoring elements.
  5. Analysis of the image of regions (and countries) along the Rakoczy European Cultural Route as a basis for product development strategy and its market introduction according to the demand for it.
  6. Activation of local communities around the idea of building the Route.
  7. Creation of a networked agreement for building and developing the Route.
  8. Dissemination of good implementation: transfer of best practice from previous projects to the EU and international cooperation on thematic routes.
  9. Implementation of new communication and information technologies on the Route.
  10. Adhere to the principles of unlimited freedom in the creation of tourist products and communication media (Internet) according to established guidelines.

Copyright 2017 by CULTURAL ROUTES FUND

5 Benedyktynska St.,
Jarosław, PK, 37-500 Poland ul. Benedyktyńska 5
tel. 508 718 277
e-mail. fdk@fdk.org.pl
www. fdk.org.pl

KRS number: 0000672712
REGON: 367001819
NIP: 7922298164
Account number: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A
PL 44 1600 1462 1838 6700 6000 0001