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The Foundation cooperates on a permanent basis with a group of specialists and experts who possess knowledge and skills in the preparation and implementation of social projects, including among others the creation and updating of strategic documents for municipalities and poviats.

We cooperate with economists, sociologists, political scientists, educators, pedagogues, psychologists, lawyers, entrepreneurs and clergy who were involved in the implementation of the following projects/activities:

  1. development of the project "Jaroslaw - Magical City" (original project)
  2. development of the project "Europe - Malopolska - Russian Route" (original project)
  3. development of a partnership project "On the Merchant Route Via Regia - Integration of Regions" (original project - 4 partners)
  4. development of the partnership project "Via Reginae" PL SK (original project - 17 partners)
  5. development of the partnership project "Via Regia - Via Reginae" PL BY UA (original project - 23 partners)
  6. development of a partnership project "Via Reginae - Qualified Tourism Route" - a territorial contract for the Podkarpackie Voivodeship (original project - 14 partners)
  7. development of a partner micro-project entitled: Route of Integral Renovation of Human Being - "Via Reginae" (original project - 2 partners)
  8. development of a partnership project "Rakoczy European Cultural Route" (original project - 6 partners)
  9. participation in the work and development of revitalisation programmes;
  10. participating in the development of the Strategy for Integrated Territorial Investment in the Rzeszów Functional Area;
  11. participating in the preparation of the Strategy for Integrated Territorial Investment in the Municipal Functional Area;
  12. participating in the elaboration of Commune Development Strategies;
  13. participating in the work on Social Problem Solving Strategies;
  14. participation in the preparation of Social Economy Development Programmes;
  15. establishment of the Association "On the Merchant Route" - an association of 14 local government units (cities and districts)
  16. creation of the Blessed John Paul II Cultural and Tourist Cluster of Eastern Poland, "JP2 cluster" - 18 partners
  17. creation of a cross-border cluster of companies from the tourism and cultural sector "Via Regia Cluster" (4 partners)


Copyright 2017 by CULTURAL ROUTES FUND

5 Benedyktynska St.,
Jarosław, PK, 37-500 Poland ul. Benedyktyńska 5
tel. 508 718 277
e-mail. fdk@fdk.org.pl
www. fdk.org.pl

KRS number: 0000672712
REGON: 367001819
NIP: 7922298164
Account number: Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A.
PL 44 1600 1462 1838 6700 6000 0001