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We offer comprehensive services in the following areas

  1. preparation of strategic documents, expertise for institutions, units on the communal, poviat, voivodship and national level
  2. developing design concepts and applications
  3. creation and coordination of project partnerships
  4. implementation and accounting of projects (including those financed from external resources, e. g. EU funds)
  5. organisation of events, conferences, seminars, training courses, exhibitions for specific groups
  6. establishment and ongoing coordination of various Teams operating at local government units or independently, whose primary task is to solve specific problems


We have at our disposal:

  1. a team of specialists in the field of culture, entrepreneurship, local-government, EU subsidies, law, economics, sociology, political science, psychology, spirituality
  2. a set of solutions - good practices
  3. years of experience
  4. practical knowledge



    The statute of the Cultural Routes Fund (in Polish)

Copyright 2017 by CULTURAL ROUTES FUND

5 Benedyktynska St.,
Jarosław, PK, 37-500 Poland ul. Benedyktyńska 5
tel. 508 718 277
e-mail. fdk@fdk.org.pl
www. fdk.org.pl

KRS number: 0000672712
REGON: 367001819
NIP: 7922298164
Account number: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A
PL 44 1600 1462 1838 6700 6000 0001