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The main goal is to develop the "Via Reginae" Route, a cultural and tourist brand product based on the Eastern and Western Christian traditions. This objective will contribute to increasing the level of sustainable use of cultural heritage by visitors and residents. The large scale of the project will attract many stakeholders and contribute to the development of contemporary culture and qualified tourism.

Specific objectives:

  • development and improvement of infrastructure for qualified tourism, including for motorised tourists, with preservation of natural and landscape values;
  • improvement of accessibility to culture - i. e. physical accessibility of new areas for cultural activities, as well as raising awareness and development of cultural and artistic education;
  • preservation of the material and intangible heritage for future generations;
  • enabling new forms of participation in culture as a value for increasing the cultural competences of society;
  • creating conditions for the development of a competitive cultural offer that meets new needs in the area of cultural activities resulting from technological development and social changes in the modern economy;
  • increasing the tourist attractiveness of the country and the region.

Copyright 2017 by CULTURAL ROUTES FUND

5 Benedyktynska St.,
Jarosław, PK, 37-500 Poland ul. Benedyktyńska 5
tel. 508 718 277
e-mail. fdk@fdk.org.pl
www. fdk.org.pl

KRS number: 0000672712
REGON: 367001819
NIP: 7922298164
Account number: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A
PL 44 1600 1462 1838 6700 6000 0001